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School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science


For further enquiries on the programme, please contact Programmes Coordinator, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences


eLearning Programmes offered at the School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and  Actuarial Sciences:


The Master of Applied Science in Quantitative Research Methods is offered by the School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences.
This programme leads to the degree of Master of Science in Quantitative Research Methods, with specialisation in either Biological or Social Research Methods.


The Fees for eLearning Programmes is designed with students in full-time employment in mind. It is a practical course in which the involvement of the employer is desirable in as far as they could permit the use of their data and problems in content delivery. Towards this end, the programme is, where possible, tailored to suit the needs of such employers. On the overall, this innovative approach hopes to further the relevance of this programme to industry.

The taught part of this course consists of a series of modules. Each module is the equivalent of 2 weeks full-time teaching or 48 contact hours, as are other MSc courses offered at Maseno University. A module can be taken either as part of a planned MSc course, or as a stand-alone module.


Download Programme Information Booklet


First Class Honours OR Second Class Honours Upper Division degree recognised by the University Senate. Holders of Lower Second Class Honours degree with two years relevant work experience will be considered. Applicants can specialise either in Social Science Research or Biological Science Research depending on their professional orientation



The minimum number of modules required to graduate with a Masters degree will vary between 14-18 modules. Further information can be obtained from the Dean



Online tuition, brief face-to-face meetings, online CATs, sit-in end of semester examination



Online Orientation to eLearning. The Basic Statistics (eStats) course may be recommended as a prerequisite to some students depending on their statistics background.



For further enquiries on the programme, please contact Programmes Coordinator, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences


Dr. Shadrack Adero Walwenda

Dean, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences



Joyce Otieno

Programmes Coordinator, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and  Actuarial Sciences



The Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Science, with IT) is offered by School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

This programme which is being offered in Maseno University for the first time, has been specifically designed to provide a flexible approach to mathematical education by allowing participants to specialise through the course of the degree programme in areas of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciencess while ensuring that they have a solid foundation in Mathematics.

The programme targets professionals working or preparing to work in the banking, mathematical modelling, and research environments. The content of the later years of this programme are almost entirely elective to allow specialization in participants' respective areas of interest. In an improved and more dynamic approach to ICT integration into the Maseno University curriculum, the IT component of this programme has been fully embedded into the course content rather than offered as stand-alone modules.

The modules are offered in levels (1,2,3,4) which are equivalent to the corresponding year in the face to face programme (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th).


INFORMATION BOOKLET - Click here to access

 FEE STRUCTURE - Click to access



  • KCSE: C+ Mean Grade. Minimum of Grade B- in Mathematics at KCSE or its equivalent.
  • EACE/KCE (‘O’ level) Division II and above with a Diploma in a relevant field.
  • EAACE/KACE: ('A' Level), 2 Principals
  • Diploma in a relevant field.
  • KCSE Mean Grade of C Plain or EACE/KCE Division III must have CPA/CPS or a diploma in a relevant field.
  • Degree holders from Universities recognised by Senate also qualify.


The minimum number of modules required to graduate with a Masters degree will vary between 14-18 modules. Further information can be obtained from the Dean.



Online Orientation to eLearning is a prerequisite taken for one week when enrolled for the first time



Online tuition, online CATs, sit-in end of semester examinations






The Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Business, with IT) is offered by School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

This new degree programme illustrates the flexibility afforded by eLearning as it is a combination of courses from the BSc (Mathematical Sciences, With IT) and the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA, With IT) programmes. As such, participants will be able to combine modules from both programmes to get a strong foundation in Mathematics and Business Studies. Given the flexible nature of the eLearning degree programmes, students will be able to transfer credit to or from this degree according to their evolving interest. Participants can register and pay for any number of modules for the under-graduate programmes

The modules are offered in levels (1,2,3,4) which are equivalent to the corresponding year in the face to face programme (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th).


INFORMATION BOOKLET - Click here to access

FEE STRUCTURE - Click here to access


  • Note:
  • The minimum number of modules required to graduate with a Bachelors degree will vary between 56-64 depending on the programme. For more information, please contact the Dean
  • Some modules have mandatory prerequisites



  • KCSE: C+ Mean Grade. Minimum of Grade B- in Mathematics at KCSE or its equivalent.
  • KCE ('O' level) Division II and above with a Diploma in a relevant field.
  • EAACE/KACE: ('A' Level), 2 Principals.
  • Diploma in a relevant field.
  • KCSE Mean Grade of C Plain or EACE/KCE Division III must have CPA/CPS or a diploma in a relevant field.
  • Degree holders from Universities recognised by Senate also qualify.


The minimum number of modules required to graduate with a Masters degree will vary between 14-18 modules. Further information can be obtained from the Dean.



Online Orientation to eLearning is a prerequisite taken for one week when enrolled for the first time



Online tuition, online CATs, sit-in end of semester examinations




The Bachelor of Science (Applied Statistics, with IT) is offered by School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

The Programme leading to BSc Degree in Applied Statistics is structured to provide fundamental knowledge of application of Statistics in various fields. The programme covers five major areas of Applied Statisticm, namely:

a. Mathematical Statistics
b. Economic Statistics
c. Demography and Social Statistics
d. Actuarial Sciences
e. General Applied Science

INFORMATION BOOKLET - Click here to access

FEE STRUCTURE - Click here to access

The minimum number of modules required to graduate with a Bachelors degree will vary between 56-64 depending on the programme. For more information, please contact the Dean. Some modules have mandatory prerequisites


  • KCSE: C+ Mean Grade. Minimum of Grade B- in Mathematics at KCSE or its equivalent.
  • KCE ('O' level) Division II and above with a Diploma in a relevant field.
  • EAACE/KACE: ('A' Level), 2 Principals.
  • Diploma in a relevant field.
  • KCSE Mean Grade of C Plain or EACE/KCE Division III must have CPA/CPS or a diploma in a relevant field.
  • Degree holders from Universities recognised by Senate also qualify.


The minimum number of modules required to graduate with a Masters degree will vary between 14-18 modules. Further information can be obtained from the Dean.



Online Orientation to eLearning is a prerequisite taken for one week when enrolled for the first time



Online tuition, online CATs, sit-in end of semester examinations





The Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science, with IT) is offered by School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

The Actuarial Sciences degree programme is designed to provide broad training in the basic Mathematics underlying the operations of private and social insurance and employee benefit plans.

The minimum number of modules required to graduate with a Bachelors degree will vary between 56-64 depending on the programme. For more information, please contact the Dean. Some modules have mandatory prerequisites

FEE STRUCTURE - Click here to access


  • KCSE: C+ Mean Grade. Minimum of Grade B- in Mathematics at KCSE or its equivalent.
  • KCE ('O' level) Division II and above with a Diploma in a relevant field.
  • EAACE/KACE: ('A' Level), 2 Principals.
  • Diploma in a relevant field.
  • KCSE Mean Grade of C Plain or EACE/KCE Division III must have CPA/CPS or a diploma in a relevant field.
  • Degree holders from Universities recognised by Senate also qualify.


The minimum number of modules required to graduate with a Masters degree will vary between 14-18 modules. Further information can be obtained from the Dean.



Online Orientation to eLearning is a prerequisite taken for one week when enrolled for the first time



Online tuition, online CATs, sit-in end of semester examinations







The Basic Statistics (eStats) is offered by School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

This eLearning module leads to a Certificate in Basic Statistics. It can also be taken as a prequalification for a Masters' level degree in Statistics and related studies. The participant will learn and practice the skills necessary for statistical data analysis.

The module adapts a balanced approach, including a theoretical underpinning, analytical tools and practical application of the learning. It puts less emphasis on hand calculations in order to allow students more time to understand the key concepts and the computer outputs. The data used for practical sessions will be realistically sized data sets.



A degree recognised by the University Senate. Individuals without a degree may be considered if they are working for organisations in data handling or studying for a degree where statistics would be useful.



Online Orientation to eLearning is a prerequisite taken for one week when enrolled for the first time



Online tuition, online CATs, sit-in end of semester examinations





For further enquiries on the programme, please contact Programmes Coordinator, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences



Dr. Shadrack Adero Walwenda
Dean, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and  Actuarial Sciences



Joyce Otieno
 Programmes Coordinator, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and  Actuarial Sciences

Certificate in Bridging Mathematics is offered by School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences

Bridging course in Mathematics has five courses.
MMA 001: Algebra
MMA 002: Vectors and Geometry
MMA 005: Trigonometry
MMA 003: Probability and Statistics
MMA 004: Business Mathematics



KCSE Mean Grade C+ with C Plain and below in Mathematics


Online Orientation to eLearning is a prerequisite taken for one week when enrolled for the first time



10 weeks



Online tuition, online CATs, sit-in end of semester examinations





For further enquiries on the programme, please contact Programmes Coordinator, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Actuarial Sciences



Dr. Shadrack Adero Walwenda
Dean, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and  Actuarial Sciences


Joyce Otieno
 Programmes Coordinator, School of Mathematics, Applied Statistics and  Actuarial Sciences
