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School of Planning and Architecture

For further enquiries on the programme, please contact Programmes Coordinator, School of Planning and Architecture



The School of Planning and Architecture was established to respond to the contemporary challenges facing Kenyan cities and human settlements at large. It takes pride in extending new frontiers of knowledge through new model of integrated knowledge that focuses on equipping its graduates with not only strong theoretical exposure and skills to address the contemporary urban and regional development challenges but also the ability to support their decisions using state of the art technology such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and ArchiCAD.
The school endeavours to address the human resource demand in both central and the proposed County Governments as well as local and international state and non-state actors concerned with the development of human settlements.
Human habitat and environment being the core concern of the School, the spectrum of academic programmes is being continuously extended by providing programmes in new fields and emerging areas. Programmes in various specialisations at Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral levels have been introduced and are being developed in an effort to enable the School effectively serve its mission in the built environment.


Programmes offered at the School of Planning and Architecture